Wednesday, July 16, 2014

How to make a career in tennis?

Tennis is not only a sport one plays for fun or any other benefit. One can also make a career in tennis. There are many options if you want a career for yourself or your kid in this sport. This game can provide you many opportunities in many fields. It is an internationally popular sport.

Here are some tips if you want to go professionally in tennis and want to turn this game as your career:

Start at a young age – One should start playing the game at a young age. By starting at the early age, players learn the fundamentals of the game fast and get ready for the high-level competition. It is also easy to teach the young players about rules and techniques rather than the players of more age. They get used to the schedule and have years of practice with them.

Get a good coach – It is very important to get a good coach for tennis training. It can make or ruin one’s career. One should find a coach to guide and train them in the sport. An instructor or coach should be as passionate about the game and your career, as you are. They can teach you everything about tennis from fundamentals to the strategies. You cannot learn everything on you own, so you will need a coach.

Play in tournaments – The United States Tennis Association (USTA) organize various tournaments for the young players. You can play at these tournament and gain points. These matches will test your true potential. If you get good points and win matches at these tournaments, you will get invited for the nationals and international championships.

Practice – “Practice makes perfect” is not just a saying. The players get better with daily practice. Years of practice gives you enough experience of the game. You know all the strokes, techniques, strategies, about different courts, and their benefits and how to play in pressure. By practice, you can master the shots you are better at, and use them for your advantage at the match. It gives you upper hand in any match.

Take the right decisions – It is also necessary that you take the right decisions at the right time for your career. It is always your decision like who will be your coach, what is good for your career, when you want to take it to the next level. There will be your coach, parents, or other officials to guide you through everything but the decision depends on you.

One can join local tennis clubs  and with the instructor’s guidance mixing with lot of practice, anyone can make a good professional career in this sport.

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